Sunday, January 31, 2010

Super shakes and the retch factor: a post-preliminary report

I think I've found a pretty good remedy for the retch factor that had been interfering with my strength-training workouts. The super shake lunch/afternoon snack really does seem to make quite a difference with respect to the problem I've been experiencing. So I'll be continuing to have a super shake for lunch/afternoon snack on strength-training days: it really seems to be about the best resolution to the problem that I'm going to find.

Having said that I have to point out that the problem is not completely alleviated by the super shake . . . for want of a better word . . . let's say, diet. When I'm pushing myself very hard I do still feel some back pressure from the stomach--especially when I'm doing some exercise that involves bending over. But the feeling is much less intense, and thus is less likely to interfere with my breathing pattern.

So, once again, if you, like me, have this problem of feeling as though you're going to regurgitate during intense exercise, try switching to a lighter meal like the super shake on your workout days. I make a really large one, of which I consume about three quarters for lunch. (at about 12:30 P.M.) I consume the other one quarter at about 3 P.M. as a snack and by the time our strength-training routine occurs (around 6 P.M.) I'm able to push hard with minimal interference from the retch factor.

The burning sensation I get in my chest when doing intervals, though, continues to plague me. I'll undoubtedly be writing further about that sensation and its connection with the retch factor in future entries. Stay tuned for those.

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